Rho's May Challange - Part 1

 Rho of RhoPetz posted a Photo a day Challenge for  May 2021 over on RKC.  I had a lot of fun doing the challenge and she even made several of us stamps afterwards.

I had a lot of fun doing the challenge, and with Rho's permission... I'm going to archive my challenge here. First the Challenge list!

I'm going to post the content of the original posts that I made on the thread here, and possibly expand on some them a bit while I have a bit more time to work on it.  So here we go!

I decided to breed a new pet just for the challenge. I had a happy accident....

1. Hi! I'm Azule.I was born just today [May 1st, 2021].

I love to stand up to get my back petted already.  I'm blue because Stancy forgot to take her Rosie [from animal crossing] Tabby file out of the game.

2. Holding a flower.
Looks like this is as close as I'm going to get for now. I've played with them most of the afternoon. XD After all he's only two days old. Perhaps I can come back to it later? 

3.Taking a Nap
 Lots of playing and walking around today. Tried to get him to pick up a flower, but no dice. He did find a favorite toy though... More on that later.

4. Favorite Toy
Apparently this little duck is Azule's favorite... He loves making it squeak. My apologies to the maker. There's a thunderstorm approaching and I don't have time to look up who you are right now. :-( 

Found it and added the link 💪

5. Running Fast.
Today was Azule's first time out by himself... Apparently it's scary to be out by himself.

His Orange Shorthair ancestry (from his dad Moezy) showing up... It coming out so strongly today caught me off guard. He's acts like a wobbly walking Persian.... until he doesn't.

6. Doing a trick

No go on Treat tricks, but he did like hopping though the hoop. Later on CatCreature of Wild Abyss of Angels  was wondering why some of us went for the hoop already as it's a later challenge [Day 22]...

In Azule's case he goes straight for the treat... It doesn't matter what trick I ask him for.  😂 CatCreature confirmed that it's not an "up" trick, but a "Nope"

Revisiting May 2nd

I finally got him to pick up a flower! Turns out he doesn't like them. He gave it the old stink eye for a few minutes.

I had to let him get very bored before he'd pick it up.

7. All Dressed Up.... Now on to the Fashion Show!
Azule look's stunning in both Tiger and Zebra stripes. He liked the Zebra outfit so much that he busted a move :-)

He really liked dressing in all blue, and the Lion outfit also meets his approval

And his favorite which I ended up leaving on him was.... The Giraffe!  What a Ham 😂

Onward to Part 2