

My favorite screen name to go by online is StancyMcKatt. I used to have a Petz site in the early 2000s called Stancy McKatt's Hangout. I've also had a Petz and Art website called Pencils and Parakeets.

I'm in my 30s and started playing  Catz 4  in 2001. Later I ordered Dogz 4 and even later Petz 5.  Petz 4 is my favorite version though.

My other hobbies are drawing, knitting, painting, sewing, making greeting cards, and reading. I occasionally make jewelry, miniatures for my dollhouses, and crochet.  (Wow that's a lot ^_^;.)

I hope you enjoy my site. Thank you for coming,


About my mascot:  Spekles...



I adopted Spekles in 2001 from the Adoption Center in Petz 4. She is my oldest Catz.  I named her after my real cat Spekleswho was given to me by my Uncle and Aunt along with her brother Brownie.


The real Spekles was my best friend for 16 years.  She would follow any of us that were outside around the yard. She'd hang out around me when I was playing, or follow my parents around when they did yard work.  She died of old age while taking a nap under her favorite tree.

Whenever she had a litter of kittens she would come to get my Dad, or me, to show off her babies. Her first litter of two was in a cast iron kettle that was hanging from a rafter in our shed. Dad came and got me all excited saying that Spekles had something she wanted to show me.  It was my first time getting to hold a few day old kittens.

She looked so proud whenever we held her babies, or praised her for catching a critter.

The main reason I worked so hard to  learn how to hex paint in Petz Workshop was so I could make a more accurate hexie of her.



  But the one from the Adoption Center is my first choice for my mascot because I've had her for so long...

23 years and counting... <3

... Just a little gift for you, for being so nice as to read my about page  ^_~

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