Today was the day that we learned more about the other cabins... I called it Banner day in my head so long that I don't actually know what the real name is... Let me look. Harry just called it "the REVEAL". That works too XD
We are officially no longer cabin-1 we are now...
Made by Mouse!
Harry then invited ((Cough)) us to show off the things our cabins had made. It was a good kind of Chaos, lots of cute hexed petz, clothes, toys, play areas ad ons. Stamps, and so on. There's not enough room in this entry for all of it. I'll share what I can as we go along later on.
The Playlists from the Petzapaloza event were released too. I haven't listened to ours yet... That'll be something to do with my headphones on later.
I made a stamp. It took me over two hours. I had to find a plugin for to do the text. Then I think 75% Of the time was fiddling with the background colors to get them to look nice.
5pm update... The lovely Amanda Of cargo put up a stamp for everyone. Perfect for Banner day:
5:30 ish...
Voting for album covers. It's very hard to choose.
Tea was nice enough to make a text list of all the songs for those of us that don't use Spotify!
Later... Now with the offer of a stamp. Everyone was asked to submit a song to make a playlist for harry so his 'cabin' won't be left out.
I suggested.. Try Everything by Shakria because Harry is always encouraging us to try new things.
And here's the stamp I could collect for a song. It was made by Tea.
On to the 19th and 20th